Ministries & Organizations


The following is a brief description of the Ministries in the parish that are in need of your assistance. If you are interested in volunteering your time and talent, or if you have any questions regarding the following ministries, please contact our parish office.


Altar Server

Young people who are at least 3rd Grade or older and have received their First Holy Communion assist our priest during the celebration of the Liturgy.



The Bereavement Ministry of Church of the Resurrection provides love, compassion, and a caring presence to those who have lost loved ones. The committee focuses on spiritual, social, and psychological needs during the first three years following death. The initial focus is to support and help the family and to assist with planning the funeral liturgy. Other assistance provided includes a funeral luncheon to family and guests if desired, condolence cards, bereavement books, and remembrance in the All Souls mass. We are hoping to offer support through group meetings of survivors.


Cantor / Leader of Song

Cantors enhance our Liturgies on Saturday evening at 5:00 p.m. and Sunday mornings at 8:30 a.m. along with other special services. Accompanied by our Organist, the cantor leads the parish in song. Cantors are encouraged, but not required, to be active members of the parish choir.


Care for Creation

Inspired by Pope Francis in his encyclical “Laudato Si”, the Care for Creation team strives to raise awareness of the beauty in creation, share the fruits of a bountiful spiritual and physical harvest with everyone in our community, and give glory to God.

The earth is the LORD’s and the fullness thereof,

the world and those who dwell therein – Psalm 24:1


Collection Counters

The Collection Counters meet to count and record the donations collected at the Offertory of the Liturgy.



The Decoration Committee is a group of volunteers who keep the Narthex and Sanctuary plants and flowers in order. Plant changing, watering, decorating are all things for which we need help. If you would like to volunteer contact Joanne Ort at 570-546-6668.


Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist

Extraordinary Ministers assist the priest with the distribution of the Holy Eucharist at Communion time. Extraordinary Ministers also minister to our Homebound.


Knights of Columbus

Men's Organization aimed at supporting the mission of the Church. The Knights of Columbus meets on the Second Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the meeting room.


Lector / Minister Of The Word

Lectors/Minister of the Word proclaim the Word of God during our Liturgy and other special services. Clear pronunciation and reading comprehension are a must. We have a training sessions for new lectors.


Life and Justice

Life and Justice Committee members act boldly to respond to and meet human needs with love, example, and service, as Christ Himself taught. Education and action are fundamental to the committee’s mission. We strive to engage, energize, and encourage the individuals and families of our parish to use their God-given time, talent, and treasure on behalf of those in need. Primary areas of concern include – but are not limited to – preserving life from conception to natural death, poverty, and prison ministry.


Maintenance Of Parish Property

If you can do any one the following trades: plumbing, carpentry, electrical, painting, appliance service and general projects, etc., your help is a blessing. 


Religious Education Instructors & Aides

Religious Education Instructors & Aides teach Catholic Religious Education to our youth as to the true meaning and values of being a Catholic and making known the teachings of Jesus Christ.


Resurrection Singers

This contemporary style of music is sung with a variety of instruments such as guitars, drums, flute and keyboard. Their music ministry enhances our Sunday Liturgy at 11:00 am and other special services. The group is open to adults and young adults. Singers and instrumentalists are welcome to join.


Youth Group

All Youth from Eighth Grade to their Senior Year of High School are welcome and encouraged to become a member of the Youth Group. The Youth Group engages in many social activities such as Coffee House, overnight retreats, and social justice efforts. Adult Youth Group Leaders assist in the development of the values and priorities of our youth in both Junior High and Senior High School. 


Welcoming Committee

These men and women serve the parish as welcoming ministers and greeters at Mass and other services. They assist people in seating and directing movement around the Church. 


Women's Organization

All women of Resurrection Parish are considered members of the Women's Organization. They meet the 1st Wednesday of the Month in the Ven. Dorothy Day Room. The organization plans and conducts social activities and fund-raisers that benefit many areas of the parish community.

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